We bring you the details of the 5th fitting session♪


This is Mako from BAREN.

It's been a while, but we're here to bring you some photos from the fitting event that was held the other day!

Thankfully, more and more customers come with each visit... We are very encouraged by the opportunity to talk to you all directly.

At this fitting session, I felt that there were many customers who said, "I haven't started hair removal yet, but I'm using this as preparation for the future."

Even if you don't think about buying it right away,

"There are products like this too,"

I hope that being one of your options will help ease your mind a little.

This was the fifth fitting session, and we had many BAREN heavy users who have been participating repeatedly.

She may be better than us staff at arranging scarf hats and giving instructions on how to wear them.

Customers discuss hair loss prevention measures and, of course, various matters related to illness, etc.

We share information, and sometimes get excited about completely different topics.

It has also become an opportunity for people to talk a lot like this.

"I'm glad I came to the fitting session."

This may be the reason why you can say that.

Finally, about the next fitting session ↓↓↓

Monday, December 16

This will be the last fitting session of the year.

>>> Read the blog for details of the December fitting event

"It's stylish."


We hope you will try out the medical care hat BAREN!!

We hope that this fitting event, which started this year, will be a wonderful day to end the year😌💓

>>>Click here for BAREN medical care hats