What happens with hair loss caused by chemotherapy

Hello, this is Mayumi from BAREN.

I'm sure that both those who are about to start chemotherapy and those whose loved ones are going through this stage are feeling a great deal of anxiety right now.

When I was diagnosed with cervical cancer, I searched the Internet but there was so much information available that I panicked and didn't know where to start.

Looking back on that time, I think,

"Knowing the truth and being prepared is the best way to alleviate anxiety."

Hair loss caused by chemotherapy and how to prepare for it.

I hope that what I have experienced and researched can help ease your concerns even a little.

[Table of Contents] Hair loss caused by anti-cancer drugs

  1. Why hair loss occurs
  2. Hair removal schedule
  3. Points to consider when choosing a care hat or wig
  4. Hair loss other than hair
  5. Effects of hair loss

1. Why does hair loss occur?

When you start chemotherapy, hair loss and other symptoms may occur as a side effect.

It is believed that anticancer drugs easily affect hair matrix cells (cells that become hair), which are actively dividing, and damage the hair roots, resulting in hair loss.

If you try to pull out the hair yourself when hair loss begins, you may damage the hair roots and delay the recovery of your natural hair. You may be shocked by your unfamiliar appearance, but it is important to understand the correct way to deal with it in order to recover as quickly as possible.

Also, when hair loss begins, you may experience symptoms such as a pulling pain or itchiness on the scalp, but these are generally temporary. If the symptoms do not improve or you are experiencing scalp problems, please consult a doctor or nurse.

In my case, about two days before my hair started falling out, when I curled my hair the wrong way I felt a tingling pain, as if my scalp was being pulled, but once my hair started to fall out, the pain went away without me noticing.

2. Hair removal schedule

After chemotherapy, hair loss will begin approximately 2 to 3 weeks later.

The amount and location of hair loss will vary depending on the type of chemotherapy and individual differences, but hair will begin to grow back approximately 3 to 6 months after treatment ends.

The timing and speed of hair growth varies from person to person, but it will grow at a rate of about 1cm per month, and will return to its very short length in about 6 months to a year.

However, when the hair regrows, the quality and thickness of the hair may change, and some hair may grow gray, but it is said that once the hair grows back, it will have a quality similar to that before treatment.

In my case, my hair was straight before it fell out, but when it grew back it was downy like a chick's hair, and then it became slightly coarse and curly.
Also (this seems like a rare case) my sideburns were getting really thick and I was scared that if I shaved them they would get even thicker. I shaved them and they never grew back. I wish I had shaved them sooner.

The period for wearing a medical wig or care cap is from the start of hair loss until your natural hair grows back.

As mentioned above, hair grows at about 1cm per month, so wigs and care caps will often be needed for about one to one and a half years.

3. Points to consider when choosing a care hat or wig

Have a hat or wig ready for hair removal before the process begins.
Since you will be relying on it for a long time, we have summarized some points to help you choose something that will be as comfortable as possible.
* After hair removal, head circumference will decrease by about 2 to 4 cm.

  • Breathable
    • When you don't have hair, your head will become stuffy and you will sweat more easily, so choose a material that is breathable.
  • Lightweight and does not squeeze the head
    • Since you will be using it for long periods of time, make sure the weight and specifications are not too heavy.
  • Size adjustment possible or no size adjustment required
    • Your head size will change as you lose and grow hair. To avoid loose headwear that may slip off or tightness, choose a headwear that can be adjusted or does not require adjustment.
  • Easy to clean
    • Since it is something you use every day and that comes into contact with your skin, it is preferable to choose something that is easy to care for.
  • A design that can be used in any situation
    • Hats with brims may be considered rude in the workplace or at a restaurant, so choose items that are appropriate for the occasion.
  • price
    • Fully custom-made and semi-custom-made wigs can be quite expensive, so try to find one in a price range that won't be too much of a burden.

Additionally, hair loss is one of the side effects of anticancer drugs that many people experience mental distress from.

Try to find some items that will lift your spirits and help ease those feelings even a little.

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4. Hair removal other than hair

When we think of hair loss, we generally think of only the hair itself, but depending on the type of chemotherapy, it can affect all body hair, including eyelashes, eyebrows, beards, and pubic hair.

Hair loss usually occurs about a month later than hair loss.

Also, the hair does not fall out all at once, but rather thins out gradually, so there is no need to rush the preparations. However, taking a photo before the treatment can be helpful for applying makeup after the treatment.

5. Effects of hair loss

Hair removal is not just about appearance; it can also have a variety of effects on your body.

The effects of hair removal Things to prepare

More susceptible to trauma

The effects of cold and ultraviolet rays become stronger

Care hats/wigs

Sweat easily gets into your eyes

Change in appearance

Eyebrow tint/eyebrow sticker/eyebrow

It is easy for dirt to get into your eyes

Change in appearance

Sunglasses/Fashion glasses/False eyelashes
Nose hair

Dryness and soreness of mucous membranes

Dust and other particles can easily get in.


Hair loss not only has a physical impact, but also a strong psychological impact.

Please try to find ways to stay positive, such as confiding your feelings to someone close to you, sharing your feelings with people who have the same problems, and getting information in advance and making the right preparations.

After losing my hair, I decided to try something like the scarf hat from BAREN. By trying out styles you've never tried before, we hope that your attitude towards fashion will change and that you will be able to live your daily life more stylishly and enjoyably than ever before.

I hope that this experience will not only help you regain what you have lost, but also serve as an opportunity for you to discover something new about yourself.

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